Friday, June 11, 2010

On the way

Just thought I'd post a quick update for everyone. The second week of my internship has gone wonderfully! I'm really starting to get the hang of everything and know my way around finally. I was able to work with the FBC Worship Choir on Wednesday night and it was a wonderful experience! They have a great choir and they were so receptive to someone new coming in to conduct a couple pieces.

I'm in the airport right now waiting to board the plane to Atlanta, and then to Raleigh for my interview weekend at New Hope Baptist Church. I'll be meeting the staff, celebration band, choir, and other members of the church tomorrow. Sunday I'll be helping with worship leadership through a solo in the first service, and by conducting the choir, leading the hymns, and singing a solo in the traditional service. Looking forward to this new chapter and meeting so many great people this weekend! I'll be sure to keep updates posted on how it's going.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Friday! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Laura,
    We are very excited for you and many are praying for you this weekend. It is so great to know that God is answering the prayers of New Hope Baptist Church through you just as He is answering your prayers through New Hope. He really does work all things together for good if we give Him our all.
    Good luck and remember we love you.
